How to Sell Your House When Behind on Payments in Texas? 

How to Sell Your House When Behind on Payments in Texas? 


Missing out loan payments does not suit anyone, and if these are mortgage loan payments, it becomes challenging because owning a home is a blessing, and denying mortgage payments is like losing a house. However, many Americans face this issue due to any specific reason. When you are behind on mortgage payments, the time is near when foreclosure comes to your house. You may have many options to avoid this situation, but selling a house when you are behind on payments in Texas is the best option. Why is this so? We will discuss the issues that keep you behind on payments, the solutions, and selling a home when you are behind on house payments in Texas. This discussion will help you manage this situation more effectively and overcome this challenging time comprehensively.

Can I Sell My House If I am Behind on Payments?

Yes, you can sell your house if you are behind on payments. We accept that falling behind on payments is stressful, and the threat of foreclosure can daunt drastically. However, it does not mean you are short of options, as you can sell house behind on payments in Texas.

Selling your house as-is can help you avoid foreclosure, get a handsome amount, and start fresh. We have decided to guide you through the entire process, which will help you make an educated decision and emerge from the financial crisis.

Option to Avoid Bankruptcy

As described earlier, many options are available to deal with financial crises. Some options are repayment plans, short sales, mortgage forbearance, and loan modifications. However, if you are behind on payments in Texas, the best option is to sell your home fast and pay off your mortgage loan. Sometimes, you may find that the money you owe is more than your home’s worth. We call it a short sale and do not recommend it, as it will leave you in disarray. This situation demands mortgage forbearance or loan modification.

Still, if you find selling a home for cash in Texas is the best option, keep the following things in mind:

  • Partner with a cash home buyer in texas to deal with the situation more confidently.
  • Understand your mortgage balance and plan accordingly.
  • Although we do not recommend it, considering a short sale can be an option. We are against it because the fiscal crisis does not end after this step.
  • Learn how the foreclosure process works and think about a pre-foreclosure home sale.
  • Get assistance in finding a real estate investor.

Steps to Follow When Selling Your House Because Behind on Mortgage Payments in Texas

We have already discussed that selling a house in Texas can be the best option to avoid foreclosure. However, selling your home fast for cash can never be smooth sailing, and you must sell it smartly. For that, you must follow the steps we have mentioned below:

Understand Your Market

Understanding the real estate market, its latest performance, the most famous trends, and other aspects is essential to becoming a successful seller. You must identify whether your property is in a seller’s or buyer’s market. If it is a buyer market, you will struggle. This is because potential buyers are in the market with fewer options for vacant properties. However, if it is vice versa, you can get out of the situation conveniently.

Price it Right

Pricing correctly is crucial. If you have overpriced your property, the chances are that your house will remain unsold. Avoiding foreclosure in Texas can be challenging. Partnering with cash home buyers can help you determine the right price.

Make Necessary Repairs

Potential buyers do not like properties with visible damage or disrepair. Therefore, real estate experts recommend necessary repairs to fix any glaring issues. However, do not spend money on expensive repairs; focus only on those that can increase your home’s value.

Stage Your Home

Staging your home can make your property more appealing. However, spending money on it does not work, and only arranging furniture and decor works exceptionally to sell your home fast in Texas and get more money.

Market Your Home

Using the MLS websites, online platforms, real estate agencies, and local newspapers also helps you sell your house because more people learn you are selling. We recommend using high-quality photographs for this advertisement.

Smart Negotiations

Although living behind on home loan payments in Texas can affect your negotiation power, we recommend you remain confident during these negotiations and focus on getting the maximum amount you can. If you stay smart during negotiations, you can sell a home that is behind on payments in Texas.

Choose a Reliable Cash Home Buyer in Texas

If you do not have enough time, partnering with a cash home buyer works exceptionally. These buyers are the investors and buy as-is. This way, you save time on selling a house and money on repairs.

Dealing with the Situation When Underwater

“Above the Water” and “Under the Water” are two different situations that people who belong to real estate know already. If you are selling your house when getting money more than your property’s worth and mortgage loans, we call it Above Water on your mortgage loan. However, if the worth is less than the mortgage payment, and you are behind on payments in Texas, you are being under Water. To deal with this situation, selling is not an option, and we want to recommend some steps to avoid foreclosure. Let us explore them all!

Loan Modification

You can negotiate with your lender and convince him to modify the term. This discussion aims to manage the mortgage and create a win-win situation for both parties.


You can also try to refinance if your credit score is better. This refinance will help you get the loan at lower interest or for a long term, which means a lower mortgage loan installment amount.

Rent Out Your Home

This step will help you start submitting the mortgage amount, which means you can wait for some time to rebound your property value before selling.

Deed-In-Lieu of Foreclosure

If you transfer your property title to your lender, you can avoid foreclosure. This option ensures you can return your property when finding yourself out of this situation. However, it will affect your credit score.

Partner with “We Buy Houses Companies”

Many cash home buyers buy houses for cash in Texas. These companies avoid foreclosure and bankruptcy and start a fresh journey to own a new home.

Behind on Payments in Texas? Step to Sell Your House

If you are behind on mortgage payments in Texas, selling your house is the best decision. If you have decided, here are some steps you must follow to complete the process successfully:

  • Contact your lender to discuss a foreclosure avoidance plan. This discussion will help you buy some time.
  • Get the estimated home’s value to see where you stand and how you can manage the situation after selling.
  • Partnering with a real estate agent is essential to having a professional with you. An experienced real estate professional with expertise in foreclosures and short sales can choose you more than anyone else.
  • You must have a clear sales strategy. This means you must have complete information about the value of your property so you can negotiate accordingly.
  • Preparing a home for sale is another step you must take to make your home more appealing.
  • Learn negotiation techniques to deal with potential buyers more aggressively and confidently.
  • Close the deal when you get the most compatible offer. Partnering with an experienced attorney or cash home buyer works exceptionally well for you.

Behind on Payments in Texas? Let Tare Real Estate Give a Fair Cash Offer Today!

If you are behind on payments, contact Tare Real Estate Today and sell your home for cash now. They know how to deal with this situation and ensure you do not lose much. They always come to your support to devise a game plan and address the situation artistically. More importantly, they guide you in the right direction and help you avoid foreclosure without new challenges or hurdles. So, call us now and get back on track instantly, as a fair cash offer awaits you.


Finding yourself in a situation when you are behind on payments in Texas can be daunting. However, you can still have options, as each circumstance is unique, and the experts have solutions to deal with this issue. You can choose any option, including loan modification, refinancing, renting, and selling. More importantly, if selling is the only option, we have tried to guide you properly to close the deal successfully. We hope that following this strategy will help you escape the situation and start a fresh journey toward owning a home in Texas.

Yes, you can. Selling a house to avoid foreclosure is a viable choice, as you preserve your credit ratings and maintain control over selling your property.

Yes, you can sell your equity in the house. However, it is essential to make a timely decision, as mortgage lenders wait for your payments for about four months and then initiate the foreclosure process.

Tare Real Estate is a cash home buyer that buys all properties regardless of their condition. Our team of professionals knows how to deal with distressed properties and convert them into profitable options. So, you can reach us and get cash fast according to your expectations.

You only need to contact us and share your property details. We will review the details, understand the latest trends, examine your location, explore other aspects, and give you a fair cash offer. Once you accept the offer, we can close the deal within two to three weeks.